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  17.) Changed Hot-Keys
   Alt+Ins   -> Insert directly a new Record
   Alt+Del   -> Delete directly (incl. Pack) a Record
   Alt+(+)   -> Insert directly a new Field
   Alt+(-)   -> Remove directly a Field

   Ctl+Ins   -> Copy the current Record to the Clipboard
   Shift+Ins -> Insert from the Clipboard (all Clipboard-Records)

   F6        -> Switch to the next Window
   Shift+F6  -> Switch back to the last Window

   F7        -> Call's the Calculator

   F9        -> Call's the Dos-Command Line
                with Tab or Escape return to the Browse-Window
   Alt+F9    -> Call's Dos-Shell
                with "Exit"-Command return to dBTools

   F11/F12   -> Make topical of the Browse-Window.
                (Spcially for Multi-User at a Network)

      You can see all new Hotkeys at the Help-Window (With F1) too!!!

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson